There is a reason why sleep deprivation is used as a torture method.
We just do not function without it.
Having one sleepless night is bad enough, but when it goes on for days and days it can be debilitating.
Functioning on a daily basis when you are lacking sleep becomes a waking nightmare.
So much so that we start worrying about not sleeping before we even go to bed. This worrying turns insomnia into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Suffering from Insomnia
Most people at some point in their lives will suffer from insomnia. Whether it is acute and short-lived or chronic and goes on for years.
Whether you struggle to initially fall asleep or wake up in the early hours, the result is the same. Exhaustion, frustration, despair and fear that you will never experience a good nights sleep again.
Common Treatments for Insomnia
Traditional treatments include sleeping pills, but these may make you feel groggy. Or herbal remedies. these can give short term relief, but they don’t really address the underlying issue. Also, if you are using a medication, you may find that you build a tolerance to them and they become ineffective.
But there are effective treatments. Insomnia, if it isn’t caused by any physical underlying medical problems such as sleep apnea, which is worth getting checked out by a medical doctor, can be caused by your thought patterns.
We call these thought patterns cognitions.
If you have distorted cognitive patterns, such as rumination and worrying about anything and everything, this can lead to anxiety.
Which in turn may manifest as insomnia.
The good news is though, we can change your cognitive distortions, through hypnosis and teach you more effective cognitions patterns.
Hypnosis Treatment for Insomnia
Using hypnosis, you will learn how to manage your thoughts. Learn what thoughts to pay attention to and ones that you can let go of. I will give you mental devices to help you along with this.
And the biggest bonus of all is that not only will you sleep better, but you will be less anxious in general and do better in other aspects of your life too.
If you are struggling to sleep and you want the best treatment for insomnia, contact me and find out how hypnosis can achieve what has previously alluded to you.
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